Welcome to our Parish Website!
St. Bernard’s is a stewardship parish that provides parishioners with opportunities to use their gifts of time, talent and treasure in order to deepen their relationship with God. We offer a variety of ministries that provide spiritual, emotional and physical support to parishioners and the surrounding community. If you are a new parishioner, please complete the registration form and drop it in the collection basket on Sunday, mail it, or drop it off at the parish office.
Mission Statement
Since it’s founding in 1874, the parishioners of St Bernard Church, located in North Kingstown, RI, have worked together to remain faithful to their mission. They strive to live in accordance with the Gospel and are challenged to love God and neighbor by bringing the Gospel to everyone. We are encouraged to respond to our baptismal call, full participation in the life of the Church, and promote the moral and social teachings of the church.
Watch Mass
‘Let the Gospel Fill Your Week’